Nourished with NAO

Help!! I’m Always Cold!!

  Help, I'm always cold!!!   Can you relate? If you feel cold all the time, there could be a variety of influences. While this would have to be diagnosed by a medical provider, common causes can include anemia, hypothyroidism, eating disorders, hypoglycemia, poor circulation, and other imbalances.   I personally experience cold hands and feet due to my circulation and heart rate always being low and slow. It's the worst feeling and SO uncomfortable. I want to curl up in a blanket and not leave the house!   Above and beyond getting your labs checked to understand the root cause, here are the things I do in order to keep myself warm and comfortable. These tools help me spend more time with my family enjoying outdoor sunshine and fresh ...

Do You Have Night Eating Syndrome?

My eating disorder journey started out with restriction, and when that no longer worked, I began to binge and purge…   I did that all throughout college.  First I'd restrict for a while, then binge and purge in a vicious cycle. Then came Senior year and as the stress was taking its toll from my ED habits, I acquired a third eating disorder: Night Eating Syndrome (NES).   NES is actually different from other eating disorders and something now diagnosed and treated.  But at the time, I didn't even know what it was. I would eat in the middle of the night, but thought nothing of it. It was occasional and weird but it was just "what I did."    No one knew this about me at the time and ...

Taking the Scary Out Of Halloween

Halloween Candy
Is a Halloween food plan a scary thought?  At NAO, we understand that not only do your kids go nuts over all the candy, so can you!   This Halloween, create a plan and let the ghosts do the scaring.   Opt for a healthier version   Try recreating your favorite treats from home this year. This is a great idea if you are hosting or want to spend some time with friends or family. Not to mention, you will know exactly what ingredients you are using. Here's how to DIY with mouth watering Cookie Dough Truffles, Cinnamon Roll Cookies, and Date Snickers!   Eat beforehand and stabilize blood sugar   Although you might feel like cutting your portions to make up for eating one too many treats last night, ...

How to Overcome Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder
Seasonal Affective Disorder's acronym is so aptly named: S.A.D. According to the Cleveland Clinic, "5% of adults in the U.S. experience S.A.D." with symptoms ranging from anxiety to weight gain, sleep issues, lack of energy and full-blown depression symptoms.   When Fall and Winter months hit and it's not only cold but dark by 4:45pm, my mind and body feel it.   I'm a sun worshiper, so adjusting to this time of year has always been tough. I also hate the feeling of being cold and holed up indoors when I want to be outside in the sunshine!   Knowing this ahead of time, I can prepare my body for an easier transition in and out of winter, and help you do the same! Being a New Yorker my whole ...

The Story That Took Me 4 Years to Share: How I Almost Lost Everything

The Story That Took Me 4 Years to Share: How I Almost Lost Everything   Dear NAO Wellness Warrior, As part of my incredible tribe, I’m so relieved to finally be able to share with you a deeply personal event that nearly cost me everything.   On Sunday, February 11th, I was at home with my husband and 2-year-old daughter, Emma, taking the day off for the very first time since opening NAO Wellness when I got a shocking call. NAO was raided by the Narcotics Division of the NYPD as part of an undercover CBD sting operation. After legally selling CBD to an officer posing as a client, my 23-year-old assistant was swarmed by a SWAT team inside our wellness space, led out in handcuffs, and held overnight in ...

How I Overcame Caffeine Addiction

How I Overcame Caffeine Addiction   For years, I have loved waking up in the morning to the sound and aroma of hot coffee dripping in my kitchen.  I couldn't wait to sit down and sip as I started my day, my husband and daughter Emma still fast asleep.     It was my time to enjoy every drop of delicious freshly brewed organic coffee with my homemade almond milk.  As soon as the coffee would hit my tongue, I started to perk up.     That morning buzz lit me up and electrified my energy like a light switch!  I don't drink alcohol, so coffee was the one beverage I LOVED and craved.  It’s a nootropic.  It’s been shown to have many health benefits in moderation.  Yet for me, I wasn’t ...

What To Do If You Have Endometriosis

What To Do If You Have Endometriosis   Endometriosis is of growing concern for women and more alarmingly, even more underdiagnosed than PCOS and Fibroids. According to Viva Eve, Clinical Women’s Health Experts “Endometriosis occurs when endometrial-like tissue grows outside of the uterus, affecting the surrounding pelvic structures, such as the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and the pelvis. As displaced tissue continues to act as it normally would (thickening, breaking down, and bleeding), it becomes trapped. Without an exit point from the body, surrounding areas become inflamed or swollen over time, and scar tissues and cysts can form.”   While Viva Eve provides expert diagnosis, care and treatment if you are suffering from Endometriosis, we wanted to give some additional simple diet and lifestyle tools you can start utilizing immediately outside ...

5 Surprising Ways to Alleviate Fibroids and PCOS

5 Surprising Ways to Alleviate Fibroids and PCOS   Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and Fibroids have become far too common among women of childbearing age, yet are still massively underdiagnosed hormonal issues.  We want to end that cycle and educate the masses on what to do to rebalance hormonal health for good!   While we don’t know the exact root cause of Fibroids, which are benign growths in the uterus, they can cause pain, excessive bleeding, and complications during pregnancy, among other uncomfortable symptoms.   PCOS on the other hand is, “a hormonal disorder correlated with a hormonal imbalance, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome causes enlarged ovaries and small cysts which grow on the ovaries. It is common for someone with PCOS to have symptoms like oily skin, irregular body hair growth, ...

Why I Became A Nutritionist

What Made Me Become A Nutritionist   Most of my clients find me as their Nutritionist through a google search or as a trusted referral.  NAO has become one of the most trusted Nutrition Counseling brands in the country while also being a welcoming support system for those struggling with Eating Disorders, Emotional Eating, Body Dysmorphia, and the like.   While overcoming a long-held struggle with Eating Disorders had a major impact on my decision to become an Integrative Nutritionist, something not many people know about me is that I also struggled with physical symptoms of imbalance for years.  The problem one believed me…   I am forever grateful to my mentors and coaches at the start of my journey in Eating Disorder Recovery.  ED is absolutely influenced by ...

We Tested Ear Seeds on a Healer – Here’s What We Found!

Ear Seeds
We Tested Ear Seeds on a Healer - Here's What We Found!   Sara Choi is a Holistic Registered Nurse who has worked in Emergency Rooms for years, simultaneously offering Reiki energy healing sessions, sound baths, nutrition counseling, and lab testing to clients, patients, and her fellow healthcare workers.  Her work during the Pandemic to support the healing of her patients and community is astounding. So we asked Sara, whose energy and healing capabilities are already top-notch, to tell us what she thinks from her own experience using Ear Seeds.  Here’s what she said!    "I've been utilizing acupressure ear seeds in my personal and professional holistic practice for five years now, and I've witnessed a powerful positive outcome. Personally, ear acupressure adhesives have helped me with back pain, increased ...

24-Hour Cancellation Policy

We kindly request that all changes to appointments be made by calling 646-830-4423. Services must be rescheduled or cancelled at least 24 hours prior to your appointment. Cancellations and reschedules made after this time will result in the full price of the session.

We do our very best to accommodate all of our clients. A late arrival may limit our ability to completely deliver your originally scheduled service. Clients who are more than fifteen minutes late for an appointment may forfeit their reservation. Late arrivals resulting in a shortened or forfeited appointment are responsible for the full price of the original scheduled services.

Sales are Final

All sales at Nao Wellness are final and non-refundable. Please ask any questions before purchasing. We offer a 14-day exchange period for another product or service Nao Wellness offers.

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