What’s in your medicine cabinet?
If your medicine cabinet for you and your family is still filled with over-the-counter cold, flu, and allergy medicine, you might need an immune boosting “wellness cabinet makeover”.
When it comes to yearly bugs, prevention is our aim as well as boosting the Immune system you were given to fight what comes along. Rather than waiting for illness to hit, we must do our part to prepare and protect the body on all levels to keep illness at bay and set the stage for a swift recovery.
Here are my top picks that have helped keep myself and my family in the driver’s seat of our wellbeing no matter what the season brings:
Elderberry Syrup- this delicious dark syrup made from black elderberries has been used for centuries to boost your immune system with its vitamin and antioxidant content, and anti-inflammatory benefits. I love that Sambucus brand adds echinacea, bee propolis, vitamin C, & zinc, and tastes great for kids and adults alike!
Essential Oils- this deserves its own post. I am all about essential oils for so many areas of my life including stress relief, immune boosting benefits, digestion, sleep, and more. We need all of those areas of wellbeing balanced in order to keep our immune system strong in the first place! Favorites include Thieves oil, Copaiba, and Peppermint.
Immune boosting tea- I love the power of herbs. They calm the nervous system, supercharge your organ health, and provide such soothing healing benefits when you’re feeling the sniffles. Who doesn’t love snuggling up to a warm cup of tea? I always opt for Yogi organic or Traditional Medicinals for brand quality. Cold Season, Immune Support, and Breathe Easy are some of my faves.
Vitamins & Minerals- while there are so many necessary nutrients that support the immune system, my favorites that I can’t go without include: Two one-size-fits ALL comination of vitamins, minerals and herbs for your immune system: MegaCidin Oral Spray and MegaMune. Use practitioner code: naowellness. These two products are sure to keep your immune system strong and when you get sick it nips your icky symptoms much more quickly so you won’t be in bed for long. I also always get my bloods run at least once a year so that I know where my levels are and can optimize and tweak my dosing as needed. NAO can test your vitamins/minerals/antioxidants right in your own home. We have a nationwide nurse network. Inquire HERE
Superfoods- one thing is for certain – you can’t use all of the above, avoid nutritious foods, and expect to stay healthy! That’s why I love powdered superfoods so my body gets nutrients even on the busiest of days. I love Green Superfoods by Amazing Grass as it blends together powerful whole foods that pack antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, pre and probiotics, and even healing mushroom blends!