Grounding Foods For Fall

The lovely season of Fall is finally upon us in the good ole’ northern hemisphere. Which of course means for most people: apple picking, all things pumpkin spice, and “spoooooky” movies. Most of all, it means that change is coming! Whether it is Fall, Winter, Spring, or Summer, a change occurs within the temperature which in turn causes a change in the environment. And guess what? Our body will naturally shift to match the energy that surrounds it. When we make the transition from a warm, carefree, and dazed Summer to the crispy, cool, and breezy air of Fall, many of us may tend to feel as if it is time to get settled into a routine. Some would rephrase “settling into a routine” to getting grounded and that’s because they mean the same thing, connecting back to yourself. According to the Ayurvedic perspective, certain foods are very healing to consume during each season, and those foods are directly linked to what is currently in season! It just so happens that the produce that is in season for Fall are very grounding to consume and can help connect you to the earth and the energy around you as well.

Root vegetables are supported by the Earth. They have a strong foundation under the soil and nourish the plant from the ground up. Root vegetables are a healthy source of complex carbohydrates that stabilize blood sugar levels. Vegetables such as carrots, parsnips, radish, and any vegetable with a long root are known for their blood purifying properties. Some other root vegetables are: sweet potatoes, beets, pumpkins, garlic. It just so happens that pumpkins, radishes, sweet potato, turnips, and beets are all very high in vitamin C! And those are some of the most popular of Fall produce. Which is interesting because as the weather gets cold, so do we! Cold and Flu season go with Fall and Winter like almond butter and bananas. It feels as if Mother Nature really has our back, providing us with an abundance of vitamin C rich root vegetables as the seasons shift. Consuming root vegetables during the fall and winter seasons can not only keep us healthy and prevent sickness, but they also make us feel physical and mentally grounded, increasing our stamina, and emotional stability, Warm root vegetables such as roasted sweet potatoes with spices like cumin or cinnamon can be very healing for the body, mind, and soul when consumed with mindfulness and awareness. There are many ways to prepare root vegetables, my favorite way to eat them are diced, roasted, and spiced! 

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