What are Ear Seeds and Do they Work?
You may have heard of and/or experienced Traditional Chinese Medicine through the ancient healing practice of Acupuncture. But have you tried Auriculotherapy through ear seeds?
Auriculotherapy is based on the idea that the ear is a microcosm of your body, connected to the health of your entire system through specific points on the outer ear.
What’s different about Auriculotherapy is that it stimulates points on the auricle (outer ear) without the use of needles! It’s healing to the nervous system, resulting in so many positive results it’s mind-boggling: better sleep, weight loss, reduced anxiety and depression, reduction of headaches, vertigo, allergies, addiction, chronic pain, and so much more.
Seems almost too good to be true – tiny little gems placed on the ears that offer healing benefits in minutes and support you while you go about your day? Is this for real? The answer is YES!
While that may sound too good to be true, studies are proving the benefits of Auriculotherapy, particularly for anxiety, depression, and pain. One study found it reduced anxiety and pain in Nursing professionals, while another showed a reduction of anxiety during labor! Ear Seeds have even been shown to positively impact women dealing with anxiety and depression due to infertility, and as a result, increased success with assisted reproduction treatment! Auriculotherapy is actually an FDA-approved therapy for many chronic conditions.
So, how does it work?
Step 1. buy your kit.
Step 2. clean your outer ear with an alcohol pad.
Step 3. peel and press ear seeds on specific points on your ears based on the provided map in your kit. (Video tutorial provided above!)
Step 4. Leave them on for 3-5 days and experience the benefits. Then give yourself a break of about 6-8 hours before reapplying.
We have different ear maps based on the issue you are looking to target. This sends a message to your brain and other parts of the body to relax. Beyond a mild tingly feeling, you don’t feel them and can go about your day as usual! Work out, sleep in them, shower in them, whatever you need to do.
Ear Seed map for Anxiety
I have been exposed to SO many biohacking tools over the years, but unlike any other healing modality I’ve experienced to date, Ear Seeds are probably the safest, most affordable, pain-free, easy to use, and effective option out there.
Not only that, but thanks to our NAO Wellness Ear Seed Kits it looks like you are wearing fashionable gems on your ears all day. No one will know you are secretly supporting your health, stimulating your nervous system with ancient Chinese Medicine. It’s a “zero hassle” tool you can use to begin experiencing immediate benefits!
Still don’t believe me? Try them for yourself for 3-5 days and tell us what you experience!